Zamfara govt commits to AGILE project’s implementation

GUSAU (Sundiata Scholar) – The Zamfara Government on Friday restated commitment towards ensuring the success of the ‘Adolescent Girls Initiative Learning and Empowerment (AGILE)’ project in the state.

The state Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Alhaji Wadatau Madawaki stated this in Gusau at the quarterly meeting of the State Project Steering Committee (SPSC) of the project. reports that the AGILE project is a World Bank- assisted project of the Federal Ministry of Education geared at improving secondary education opportunities for adolescent girls aged between 10 and 20.“I am delighted to welcome you to this meeting that aims to appraise the progress for the last quarter of the project and also to review priorities and targets.“We will continue to work for the success of the project for the attainment of Gov.

Dauda Lawal’s administration’s goals in girls’ education and empowerment,” he said.Madawaki who is the Chairman SPSC expressed confidence that with the continued dedication and collaborative efforts by the state’s project implementation unit, success will be achieved.“We are highly expected to achieve greater milestones in the coming quarters,” he added.Madawaki said that the meeting would also approve actionable plans for the upcoming quarter.

He added,”The government commitment and support to the AGILE project have been instrumental considering the progress recorded.“I want to use this opportunity to commend the State Project Implementation Unit (SPIU) for the outstanding performance in the last quarter.“Your dedication and hard work have set a high standard, I therefore urge you to sustain the efforts as we plan for the next implementation cycle.”The commissioner said that the project played a pivotal role at the inception stage through strategic guidance and support in the accomplishment of the following project deliverables.

He added that the achievements included the constitution of a teacher recruitment and deployment technical working group to draft an action plan for the recruitment of 2,000 teachers aimed at addressing teacher gaps.“Other achievements include conducting of needs assessments on 441 schools and non-formal learning centers targeted for rehabilitation and the provision of equipment for digital and livelihood skills,” he added.(NAN)