AAUA notice to students on compliance with COVID-19 protocols
The Management of the University has observed with serious concern that few students do not wear their nose mask on campus, and those who wear their nose mask remove it as soon as they enter into the campus.
This circular serves to remind all students of the University as stressed in our previous circulars that wearing of nose mask on campus is mandatory and very compulsory in compliance with COVID-19 protocols.

All students are therefore, to note that any student caught not wearing nose mask on campus, will be made to face the Students’ Disciplinary Committee (SDC), for violating COVID-19 protocols. Furthermore, students are also advised to wear their nose mask at all times outside the campus and observe all other COVID-19 protocols in their day-to-day activities. PLEASE PROTECT YOURSELF TO PROTECT OTHERS!
All Deans, Directors, Heads of Department as well as Heads of Unit are requested to give this circular very wide publicity and enforce that their students adhere to all COVID-19 protocols, particularly the wearing of nose mask on campus, please.
Thank you.
Ag. Registrar