Edu News

ABU Zaria announces an opening for the post of Vice-Chancellor

The Governing Council of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, announces that the position of Vice-Chancellor of the University will soon be vacant and hereby invites interested, qualified, and distinguished academics with experience in university teaching and administration of not less than fifteen (15) years to submit applications as per below:

ABU Zaria announces vacancy for the Post of Vice Chancellor


The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Accounting and Academic Officer of the University, ex-officio member of Council and Chairman of the Senate. Among his/her other functions, the Vice Chancellor shall:

(1) At all times, advise the Council on any matter affecting the finances and administration of the University,

(ii) be responsible to the Council for maintaining peace, order and efficient management of the affairs of the University, and ensuring the enforcement of the Laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University,

(iii) be responsible to Council for discipline in the University,

(iv) regulate the admission of students subject to the guidelines and procedures approved by the University Senate and other statutory organs of the University.


An applicant for the post of Vice-Chancellor of the University must possess the following qualities and qualifications:

(i) be a university teacher of the rank of Professor attained for at least 10 years in highly regarded and reputable institution;

(ii) be person of high academic standing and reputation in his/her respective discipline;

(iii) must be familiar and conversant with developmental, academic, and other complex managerial problems of a large university.

(iv) have extensive and deep experience in all facets of university administration:

(v) be a person who commands respect nationally and internationally, especially in academic circle;

(vi) be an individual who, judging from his/her track record, should command willing respect and loyalty of members of staff and students of the University:

(vii) be morally sound and of unimpeachable probity and integrity:

(viii) be a person who is physically and mentally fit in state of good health:

(ix) must not be more than 65 years old.


  • The remuneration and conditions of service are as applicable to posts of Vice-Chancellor in all Nigerian Federal Universities and as determined by the Government from time to time.


The interested candidate is required to submit thirty (30) copies of each application letter, a comprehensive curriculum vitae, and a clear statement of his/her vision for the University under his/her leadership. These documents should be sent under confidential cover and marked “POST OF VICE-CHANCELLOR, A.B.U. ZARIA”, to reach the following on or before Friday, 13 December 2024

  • The Registrar and Secretary to Council,
  • Alumadu Bello University,
  • P.M.B. 1045.
  • Zana,
  • Kaduna State.
  • Nigeria.


The candidate should include the names and addresses of three referees in his/her application, at least two of whom should be able to arrest the applicant’s academic, professional, and managerial achievements and abilities.

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