ASUP Fed Poly Ede commences strike
At a congress of the Union held on 22nd December, 2020 at the instance of Zonal Coordinator of ASUP (ZONE C) the following observations were raised. There is no active Academic Board in place at Federal Polytechnic Ede following the “Vote of No Confidence” passed on the Chairman of the Board.
There was threat to lives and properties of academic staff who are ASUP members.

After exhaustive and extensive deliberations, the congress resolved that all acadermic activities should be put on hold until such a time when:
a. The Academic Board is properly constituted
b. The safety of all Academic staff members and their properties is guaranteed; and
c. Government sets up an Investigation Panel to look into all allegations in public domain.
To this end, members are directed not to participate in any academic activity, including submission of scripts, submission of questions (POP or CBT), academic-related meetings and processing/correction of results until further directives from National body.