BUK Registration Procedure For New and Returning Students, 2019/2020 (Updated)

Latest Update: This is to inform ALL Undergraduate Students that registration has been extended by a Week. The new closing date for registration is Sunday 26th January 2020.
BUK undergraduate Registration procedure for new and returning students for 2019/2020 session has been published. All students of the Bayero University, Kano (BUK) are hereby informed that they are to follow the procedure as outlined here to complete their registration for 2019/2020 academic session.

The registration procedure is still through the myBUK portal (www.buk.edu.ng). A Student is to login to the portal and follow the procedure for printing his/her Personalized Payment Invoice and paying the exact amount any of the designated banks.\
After making payment. the student is to login to the portal again to register for the courses.
A student who pays an amount different from what is on the Invoice would not be able to continue the online registration.
BUK Registration Timetable:
The following timetable will be strictly enforced:
- Monday, 18th Nov. to Friday 20th Dec.. 2019 – Screening and Registration for Fresh L100 & 200 Students
- Monday 6th to Sunday, 19th January 2020 – Online Registration for Returning, Fresh L100 & 200 Students
- Monday 20th to 26th January, 2020 – Late Registration with surcharge
Students are advised to conclude all course registration activities before the closing date as complains relating to registration would not be entertained after the closing date.
Registration Guidelines.
A. Authentication
- All students whether fresh or returning need to authenticate their studentship from http://mybuk.buk.edu.ng/ug/authentication.php before starting the registration process.
- Fresh students need their (i) Admission letter serial number, (ii) Application Number and (iii) Registration Number for authentication. Fresh students are free to choose their password at the point of authentication. After successful authentication, a username is generated for a student.
- Returning students need their (i) Registration Number, (ii) Last Session’s Username and (iii) Last Session’s Password for authentication. Returning students have a choice of changing their password at the point of authentication.
- All passwords must be at least 6 characters long and are case-sensitive.
B. Login
- After successful authentication, students can use their respective username and password to login (http://mybuk.buk.edu.ng/ug/login.php) in order to start or continue with the registration process.
C. Registration Procedure
The registration procedure is as follows:
i) Profile Update: Students must first update their profile. Note that students are strongly advised to update their phone numbers and emails as they are used on their BUK Personalised Payment Form (BUKPPF).
ii) Student Information Form (S.I.F.): After profile update students can generate and download/print their Student Information Form (SIF).
iii) BUK Personalised Payment Form (BUKPPF): Students must generate, download and print a BUK Personalised Payment Form (BUKPPF). Registration fees are reflected on student’s BUKPPF, to be paid using Remita e-Payments and e-Collection platform (click here for the payment procedure). Make sure you carefully read, understand and follow the payment procedure, as BUK will not be liable for any lost of funds as a result of incorrect data entry. Students must make sure that they entered ALL the information of the BUKPPF EXACTLY. Students must also ensure that
- Name of MDA
- Name of Service/Purpose
- Description
- Amount to Pay (₦)
- Registration No.
- Payer’s Full Name
- Payer’s Email
- Payer’s Phone
are captured exactly as they are written on the BUKPPF. Note that Payer (Payer’s Full Name, Payer’s Email, Payer’s Phone) means the student, so even if the student is not the one making the payment (payment by proxy) make sure to use the student information. Any misinformation may lead to unnecessary delay in validating and processing of payment. Payments are usually validated and processed within 24/48 hours of making payment. NOTE THAT ALL FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE AFTER PAYMENT
iv) Student Payment Receipt (S.P.R.): After payment is validated and processed, students must generated and download/print Student Payment Receipt (SPR) in order to continue with the registration.
v) Course Registration: After printing the SPR, a student can register his/her courses. Students are strongly advised to seek the guidance of their respective level coordinators on the courses they are supposed to register with any limitations and/or restrictions.
vi) Course Registration Form (C.R.F.): After course registration students must generate and download/print the Course Registration Form (CRF). The CRF contains the details of the registered courses.
vii) Registration Acknowledgement Slip (R.A.S.): After printing the CRF, students can print the Registration Acknowledgement Slip (RAS) to acknowledge that they have successfully completed their registration process.
Students can logout and continue the registration at a later time.
(1) Registration means paying the appropriate registration fees AND REGISTERING FOR COURSES without any delay.
(2) Both Fresh and Returning Students are expected to contact their Level Coordinators for guidance before the Course Registration.
(3) Senate has directed that any student who fails to register within the specified time has to apply for Suspension of Studies for the Session within two weeks .
Those who fail to apply for Suspension of Studies within th e specified time would be considered withdrawn from the University. No Suspension of Studies for Fresh Students.
(4) The Senate decision will be strictly enforced.