Call for Applications: UNAOC Young Peacebuilders in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) 2019
The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is pleased to launch the Call for Applications for the 2019 edition of the Young Peacebuilders in Middle East and North Africa programme.
Application Deadline: 23rd February 2019 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time (New York). Eligible Countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, State of Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen To Be Taken At (Country): Amman, Jordan About the Award: The Young Peacebuilders in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) 2019 edition is designed to strengthen the skills of young women and men from the MENA region in tackling negative stereotypes, prejudice and xenophobia while providing them with access to regional and global peacebuilding networks and raising visibility of their innovative and effective peace work in the field. The long-term goal is the integration of young peacebuilders in governmental peace processes / policies. In order to participate, applicants must commit to completing all phases of the programme, outlined below. Online involvement is part-time, while the workshop is a full time, one-week experience. Participation in the results-sharing symposium is also mandatory. During the programme, 20 selected participants will:
Learn about negative stereotypes and how to critically analyze them to reduce their prevalence;
Understand different perspectives in identity-based conflict and gain tools to develop solutions at local, national and regional levels and transform conflicts peacefully;
Identify push and pull factors creating conditions conducive to violent extremism;
Develop competences to use different forms of media or expressive arts as a way to create alternative narratives, reduce polarization and promote social inclusion;
Learn how to successfully design and run your project.
Type: Fellowship
Eligibility: This is a call to youth aged 18-25 from MENA wanting to tackle violent extremism by building inclusive societies with understanding and respect among cultural and religious communities
Are you between 18 and 25 years old? *
Are you a citizen of a MENA country and do you currently live in this region?
Are you interested in taking part in an intercultural learning experience with other young people from MENA and improve your actions to promote peace?
Are you part of a youth-led organization, network or initiative?
Do you want to increase your ability to contribute to peace and social inclusion in your community, country and region?
Are you in the beginning stages of your involvement in this type of work and want to learn more?
Number of Awards: 20 Value of Award: As an official policy, the organizers of Young Peacebuilders programme do not require payment of any participation fee. All selected youth participants will be provided with
Round-trip travel (international or domestic flight, economy class) to Amman, Jordan for the face-to-face workshop as well as to the city of the symposium;
Shared accommodation (double-rooms), with a participant from the same gender, in the city of the workshop and the city of the symposium;
Meals and coffee breaks during the official duration of the workshops in Amman and the symposium;
Shuttles or reimbursement of transportation to/from the airport and hotel in Amman and city of the symposium.
For the workshop and symposium, youth participants will be responsible for their transportation to and from the airport in their country of residence, as well as any personal and incidental expenses incurred outside of the official portions of the workshop, such as souvenirs, equipment, additional food, etc. Duration and Timeline of Program:
January-February 2019: call for applications;
By April 26, 2019: selected participants are notified;
May 2019-July 2019: selected participants take part in introductory online modules (part 1);
August 2019: participants travel to take part in the face-to-face workshop at a location to be determined (part 2);
August-November 2019: participants commit to conduct peace activities in the three/four months following the workshop (part 3)
End of November-Beginning of December 2019: Results-sharing symposium at a location to be determined.