Home Archive by category Scholarships (Page 13)

Study In UK: Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship – UK 2020

Applications are currently invited for the Eni-Oxford Africa Scholarship which will be awarded to African who are interested in pursuing their studies at University of Oxford – UK. The School’s aim is to help businesses grasp the opportunities of Africa’s favourable demographics by supporting the education of talented African students. These students are able to make

Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust International Scholarships At University Of Sheffield, UK 2020

The University of Sheffield in collaboration with the Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust and the Sheffield Institute for International Development is offering A full tuition fee waiver scholarship program to individuals who wants to undergo a Masters degree program in the University. This scholarship program is designed to celebrate, promote and increase the

African Trans-Regional Cooperation through Academic Mobility (ACADEMY) Scholarships for African Staff/Students 2020

The African Trans-Regional Cooperation through Academic Mobility (ACADEMY) project is designed to provide resources and opportunities for student and staff mobility from four regions of Africa, offering support for Masters, Doctoral and short research, teaching and administrative visits between the consortium partners.  The partners in ACADEMY consortium are:

2020 Africa Scholarships at University of Lincoln – UK

The University of Lincoln – UK is pleased to invite International applicants for the African Scholarship program which will be awarded to individuals who are interested in pursuing a degree program at the Institution. This scholarship is competitive and will only be awarded to candidates who demonstrate achievement in academia, extracurricular or personal