Home Archive by category Tertiary institutions (Page 50)
Edu News Tertiary institutions

FUGUS Post-UTME Result, 2019/2020 Out

FUGUS Post-UTME result for 2019/2020 session has been released. All candidates who applied for admission into the Federal University of Gusau (FUGUS) for the 2019/2020 academic session are hereby advised to proceed to check their screening results. The screening results are now available online. Candidates are to follow the steps below to check their Post-UTME result
Edu News Fellowships Market Migration opportunities Scholarships Tertiary institutions

Have You Ever Seen an Exam Instruction so Accommodating?

It’s very important to read instructions carefully when sitting for an exam if you want to avoid complications. Examination instructions usually come off as stern, but here’s evidence that they can also be accommodating. This Photo of a financial management examination in the University of Pretoria has an instruction that lets exam takers know that it is […]