Covenant University Courses Available for 2019/2020 Admission

Courses available at Covenant University for the 2019/2020 academic session are listed in the admission advert released. If you are interested in applying for admission into Covenant University, you can click here to check the information on Covenant Post-UTME.
The list of Covenant University Courses available for admission follows in the next paragraph. Persons who are interested in getting admissions should check it out. Following that are the admission requirements for the courses. Endeavour to check them out too.

- Accounting
- Banking and Finance
- Business Administration
- Industrial Relations and
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing
- Demography and Social Statistics
- Economics
- Mass Communication
- Sociology
- International Relations
- Policy and Strategic Studies
- Political Science
- Psychology
- English
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Information and Communication Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Architecture
- Building Technology
- Estate Management
- Biology: (Applied Biology and Biotechnology)
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Industrial Chemistry :
- (Analytical/Environmental Chemistry)
- (Materials/Polymer Chemistry)
- Computer Science
- Management Information System
- Industrial Mathematics
- Industrial Physics:
- (Applied Geophysics)
- (Electronics and IT Applications)
- (Renewable Energy)
College Requirements: Candidates seeking admission to any of the college’s programmes must have obtained at least five (5) credit level passes in the SSCE/GCE O ‘Level//NECO/NABTEB or its equivalent, obtained in not more than two sittings. The five (5) credit passes must include Mathematics and English Language. The Degree Programmes available in the College and their respective additional entry requirements are as follows:
A. Department of Accounting
B.Sc Accounting (4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in Economics and any one other Social Science or Arts Subjects.
B. Department of Banking & Finance
B.Sc Banking & Finance (4yrs) The entry requirement is the same as in the Department of Accounting. Students in Banking & Finance have internship opportunities in the Banks located on Campus.
C. Department of Business Management i. B.Sc Business Administration (4yrs ii. B.Sc Industrial Relations & Human
Resource Management (4yrs) iii. B.Sc Marketing (4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in Economics and one of Accounting/ Commerce/ Geography/ Government /Business Methods.
SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES A. Department of Economics and Development
Studies i. B.Sc Economics (4yrs) ii. B.Sc Demography and Social Statistics
(4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level pass in Economics.
B. Department of Political Science and
International Relations i. B.Sc International Relations (4yrs) ii. B.Sc Policy & Strategic Studies (4yrs) iii. B.Sc Political Science (4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in two of the following: Economics, Government/History and any other subject
SCHOOL OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT A. Department of Languages: B.A English (4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level pass in Literature in English.
B. Department of Mass Communication
B.Sc Mass Communication, with options in Journalism & Online Mass Communication and Broadcast (4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in Literature in English and any other subject in the Social Sciences or Arts.
C. Department of Psychology
B.Sc Psychology (4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in Biology and any two social science subjects. Students may specialise in Psychology or Counselling before their year of graduation.
D. Department of Sociology
B.Sc Sociology (4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in two of the following subjects: Government, History, Economics, Christian Religious Knowledge Geography and Literature in English.
COLLEGE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (CST) College Requirements: Candidates seeking admission to any of the College’s programmes must have at least five (5) credit level passes in the SSCE/GCE O ‘Level /NECO/NABTEB or its equivalent, obtained at not more than two sittings prior to September 2014. The five (5) credit level passes must include Mathematics, English Language and Physics. However, for candidates seeking admission to Estate Management Degree Programme, a credit level pass in Physics is not compulsory just as a credit level pass in Chemistry is not compulsory for Architecture. The degree programmes available in the College and their respective additional entry requirements are as follows:
B.Sc Architecture (4yrs), M.Sc. (2yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in any two of the following subjects: Fine Ar t/ Technical Drawing/Geography/ Economics/Building Construction/Land Survey.
B. Department of Building Technology B.Sc Building Technology (5yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in any one of the following subjects:
Chemistry/Economics and any one of Technical D r a w i n g / F i n e A r t s , B u i l d i n g Construction/Geography/ Land Surveying.
C. Department of Estate Management
B.Sc Estate Management (5yrs) Candidates must have credit level passes in Economics, Technical Drawing/Geography and any one of Physics/ Biology/ Chemistry.
SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES A. Department of Biological Sciences (4yrs) i. B.Sc Biochemistry (4yrs) ii. B. Sc Biology & Biotechnology (4yrs) iii. B.Sc Microbiology (4yrs) Candidates must have credit level passes in Chemistry and Biology.
B. Department of Chemistry
B.Sc Industrial Chemistry (4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in Chemistry and Biology.
C. Department of Computer and Information
Sciences i. B.Sc Computer Science (4yrs) Candidates must in addition to the general admission criteria, possess credit level passes in Chemistry and any one of Biology/ Agricultural Science /Economics / Government/Accounting/Commerce. ii. B.Sc Management Information Systems
(4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in Economics and one of Biology /Agricultural Science. iii. B.Sc Industrial Mathematics (4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in any two of the following: Chemistry / B i o l o g y / A g r i c u l t u r a l Science/Economics/government/Business Studies/Accounting/Commerce.
D. Department of Physics i. B.Sc Industrial Physics- Applied
Geophysics (4yrs) Ii. B.Sc Industrial Physics- Electronics & IT
Application (4yrs) iii. B.Sc Industrial Physics – Renewable Energy
(4yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in Chemistry and any one of Biology /Agricultural Science/Geography.
A. Department of Chemical Engineering
B.Eng Chemical Engineering (5yrs) Candidates must in addition possess a credit level pass in Chemistry and any one of Further Mathematics/Technical Drawing/Biology.
B. Department of Civil Engineering
B. Eng Civil Engineering (5yrs) Candidates must in addition possess a credit level pass in Chemistry and one of Further Mathematics/ Technical Drawing/Biology.
C. Department of Electrical and Information
Engineering i. B.Eng Computer Engineering (5yrs) ii. B.Eng Electrical & Electronics Engineering
(5yrs) iii. B.Eng Information and Communication
Engineering (5yrs) Candidates must in addition possess a credit level pass in Chemistry and any one of Further Mathematics/Technical Drawing/Biology/Agric Science
D. Department of Mechanical Engineering
B.Eng Mechanical Engineering (5yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in Chemistry and any one of Further Mathematics/Technical Drawing /Biology.
E. Department of Petroleum Engineering
B.Eng Petroleum Engineering (5yrs) Candidates must in addition possess credit level passes in Chemistry and any one of Further Mathematics/Technical Drawing/ Biology. If you want to apply for admission,