DELSU Post-UTME Supplementary Admission, 2019/2020 Announced

DELSU Post-UTME Supplementary Admission for the 2019/2020 academic session has been announced. Application cost is N5000. Closing date for the DELSU Supplementary admission is October 24th, 2019. Interested candidates are to check the details below;

Following the completion of the Merit and Catchment admissions of the 2019/2020 exercise, vacancy has been declared for admission into the underlisted programmes:

DELSU Post-UTME Supplementary Admission, 2019/2020 Announced
AgricultureEnglish & Literary StudiesAgric Education
Agric. EconomicsFine & Applied ArtsBiology Education
Animal ScienceFrenchBusiness Education
FisheriesHistory & Inter. StudiesChemistry Education
Forestry & Wild LifeLinguistics/UrhoboComputer Education
Soil ScienceMusicEconomics Education
MANAGEMENT SCIENCESPhilosophyEnglish Education
Accounting and FinanceReligious StudiesFine Art Education
Banking & FinanceFrench Education
Business AdministrationFACULTY: ENGINEERINGGeography Education
MarketingChemical EngineeringGuidance & Counseling
 Civil EngineeringHealth Education
FACULTY OF SCIENCEMechanical EngineeringHistory Education
Animal & Environmental BiologyPetroleum EngineeringHome Economics
Biochemistry Library & Information Science
BotanySOCIAL SCIENCESMathematics Education
ChemistryAccounting and FinanceMusic Education
Computer ScienceBusiness AdministrationPhysical and Health Education
GeologyEconomicsPhysics Education
Industrial ChemistryGeography & Regional PlanningPolitical Science Education
Industrial MathematicsMass CommunicationReligious Education
MathematicsPolitical ScienceSocial Science Education (Social Stud.)
Science Laboratory TechnologySociology

Interested candidates should make payment of N5,000 at Zenith Bank Plc,  A/c. Name: DELSU Recurrent,   A/C No:  1011434350 andproceed to the Admission Office of the University with evidence of payment to obtain the form.

Commencement Date:  18th October, 2019     Closing Date:  Thursday, 24th October, 2019


(i)    The new course must have the same JAMB subject combination and O/L requirements.

(ii)   Once admission has been offered to a candidate in a course, he/she must graduate in it.

(iii)  Candidate offered admission cannot re-write JAMB to gain a second admission into the University in 2020/2021 session or subsequent sessions

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