EBSU 9th Supplementary Admission List For 2019/2020 Session

The EBSU 9th Supplementary Admission List for 2019/2020 academic session has been made available on the school’s website. Candidates who applied for supplementary admission to the Ebonyi State University for the 2019/2020 academic session can proceed to check if they have been offered admission by the university.
The list of admitted candidates has been made available on both JAMB and University’s website. See details on how to check yours below;

How To Check EBSU 9th Supplementary Admission List
To access 9th Supplementary Admission List, visit: https://ebsu.edu.ng/latest%202019-2020_admissionlist_batch_I.php
In line with the ongoing, you are advised to transfer from the course you applied abinito to the Faculty/Department your name appeared presently. You are also expected to upload your O’level to JAMB website if you have not done that, so as to enable JAMB to approve our proposal for your admission.
You are required to change your course of study within three (3) days of this publication. Note again any admission not approved by JAMB is not genuine.