ESUT notice on registration and school fees payment deadline for 2019/2020 session
The Management Committee, at its Emergency Meeting held on the 18 day of January, 2021 at the Council Chambers, received and reviewed so many crucial issues particularly those affecting the smooth conduct of the ongoing 2019/2020 First Semester Examinations for the Final Year Students of the University.
In the main, Management Committee after due deliberation, decided that the Portal for payment of the prescribed fees aforesaid, should only remain open until the Mid-night of the 25 day of January, 2021.

This will enable all the concerned students and their sponsors from now till the said date, meet up with
the payment of such prescribed fees and to also register and secure their Registration Numbers. Thereafter, the portal will be closed down and remains so closed as a result of which those who fail to have paid the prescribed fees and registered would have invariably lost this gracious opportunity to do so without another opportunity.
Another devastating development in consequence thereof is that those students in issue and or their sponsors who fail to avail themselves of this last opportunity by registering their courses and obtaining their Registration Numbers on or before the Mid-night of 25 day of January, 2021 so as to participate in the CBT Exams must accept that they have unwittingly forfeited their studentships of the University.
Importantly too, Lecturers are to download the Class List for the Students Results after the Mid-night of 25 January, 2021.
It is based on the strength of the foregoing that all the concerned students and/or their sponsors are by this communication, required to be strictly guided without exception to avoid these unpleasant consequences.