Federal Polytechnic Ede directs staff to resume
Federal polytechnic Ede Directs All staff to resume their duty posts October 11th hopefully students might be asked to resume 19th October. Below is the memo;
Further to the Circular from National Board for Technical Education on the above subject dated 28th September 2020. I hereby write of the instance of the Management to inform all members of staff who were hitherto excused from duties as a result of COVID-19 to report in their offices Monday-Friday) with effect from Monday 11th, October 2020. Offices are to open by 8.00 a.m.and close by 4.00 p.m.each day.

In attending work daily, all members of staff are to ensure full compliance with the directives and advice on the COVID-19 Pandemic Directive Measures including maintenance of social distancing, Regular Washing and/or Sanitizing of hands and wearing of face masks.
Members of staff are also advised to limit the number of visitors they receive to the barest minimum and such visitors should also comply with the safety and health advice/directive.
Thank you.
B.I Ogumwole
For: Registrar