Edu News

FUOTUOKE Notice On Resumption and Course Registration For 2019/2020 Session

This is to inform all newly admitted students of the Federal University Otuoke (FUOTUOKE) for the 2019/2020 academic session that the management of the university has announced the date for the resumption and course registration deadline.

Students are to check the important dates as captured below;

FUOTUOKE Notice On Resumption and Course Registration For 2019/2020 Session
1.Saturday, January 11, 2020Resumption/Registration (Old Students)
2.Monday, January 13, 2020Resumption of Classes (Old Students)
3.Wednesday, January 15, 2020Resumption of Fresh Students
4.Thursday, January 16, 2020Commencement of Clearance  for Fresh Students, at the Faculty Building 2 ICT CBT Centre.

Additional information:

1.      All new students must stay in the hostel, unless contra-indicated by a Medical Doctor of subject to availability of space.

2.      Students must pay full applicable fees by end of Registration Period of academic year, else all registration privileges will be withdrawn for the academic year.

3.      All fees paid are not refundable

4.      Returning Students must pay all outstanding fees (Prior Session and Current Session) BEFORE Registration for the new Academic Session.

5.      School Fees paid after 3  weeks from resumption date shall attract the payment of additional late registration fee of N3,000.00 for fresh students and N5,000.00 for returning students.


1.     That the University allows two (2) weeks after normal Registration for late Registration. These charges are subject to change from time to time.

2.     For the old students, normal Registration ends January 31, 2020 while for Fresh Students normal  Registration ends February 7, 2020.    

Thank you.

Mr. Yousuo Donald Iruo

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