Edu News

FUOYE examination and registration guidelines for 1st semester, 2019/2020

This is to inform students of Federal University Oye-ekiti (FUOYE) on the directive of the Vice-Chancellor, instructions, and guidelines for the forthcoming first-semester examination and reviewed registration deadlines.  

Registration guidelines and timelines

FUOYE examination and registration guidelines for 1st semester, 2019/2020

Payment of school fees and end of registration by students – 28th February 2021

Closure of portal against registration – 28th February 2021

Download and printing of lists of registered students that are qualified to write examinations (for each course) – 1st March

Students are to be cleared and registered at the department upon presentation of the Receipts of acceptance and school fees and all other relevant credentials/documents.

After payment, students are to proceed on online course registration. Online course forms to be signed and stamped by the HODS

Only students that pay school fees, complete the online registration and submit relevant documents at the department and faculty office are considered duly registered and therefore qualify for the examination.


All covid 19 protocols and guidelines must be strictly adhered to (the compulsory wearing of masks and physical distancing).

Only students that have duly registered would be allowed into the examination hall upon provision of the following documents; coloured print of the online course registration form (signed and stamped by the hod), original school fees payment receipt (signed and stamped by Bursary) and University ID card. Photocopies are not allowed.

For CBT exams, students are to strictly adhered to time schedules. Students will only be allowed into the CBT centres 30mins before their schedule only. They are also to leave the premises immediately after they finish their session. This is to avoid crowding!

All Students particularly the freshers are to familiarise themselves with the University examination regulations as provided in the students’ handbook.

The university management wishes all students the best in the examinations. Thank you.

Prof. O.J. Ojo

DVC, Academics

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