Godfrey Okoye University 11th Matriculation Ceremony 2019/2020 Session

Godfrey okoye University (GOUNI) 11th matriculation ceremony for the newly admitted students of 2019/2020 academic session has been announced.
The school has announced the date for the 9th matriculation ceremony and all newly admitted freshers MUST be present at the matriculation ceremony which is scheduled for Saturday, 8th February, 2020.
The school management specially invites the general public to her 11th matriculation ceremony scheduled thus:
Date: Saturday, 8 February, 2020
Time: 11.00 am
Venue: Hon. Justice Cordelia Chukwurah Convocation Arena
Your presence at this important occasion will not only gladden our hearts but also add colour and value to the event. •
We do expect that all special guests will arrive at the venue not later than the appointed time so as to be seated before the procession takes off at 10.45 am.