Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, IBBU Lapai (IBBUL) Post-UTME/DE 2019: Eligibility, Cut-Off, Registration Details

The management of the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, IBBU, Lapai, has announced the sale of its Post-Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (Post-UTME) and Direct Entry screening exercise application form for the 2019/2020 academic session. All candidates who chose the IBB University Labia as their most preferred institution first choice in the 2019 UTME and scored 170 and above as wells as Direct Entry applicants are all invited for the screening exercise.
IBBU Result Submission/Screening Process.

Note 1 All UTME prospective candidates are to check/verify their eligibility for the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University UTME O’Level results screening/verification exercise.
Note 2. Successful prospective candidate that have met the minimum requirement are to print the payment permission slip with banks details on it OR make payment online via Interswitch WebPAY.
Note 3 The prospective candidate is required to make a payment of; TWO THOUSAND NAIRA ONLY (N 2,000 : 00 K) – to submit either ONE(1) or TWO(2) O’LEVEL RESULT(s). The amount includes bank/transaction charges.
IBBU Admission Screening Stages.
• Enter their JAMB Registration Number to confirm if they are eligible. If eligible;
• Enter their mobile phone number & select the number of result(s) to submit (Maximum of 2 sittings for O’Level results).
• A transaction ID/invoice will be generated for the candidate. The candidate is to select preferred payment option (Interswitch Branch Collect OR Interswitch webPAY).
Stage 2: PAYMENT:
• If Branch Collect is selected, a transaction ID/invoice slip will be generated to be printed out and taken to any of the following banks for payment via Interswitch platform (Fidelity Bank, First bank, Heritage Bank, Keystone Bank, Skye Bank, Sterling Bank, Unity Bank, United Bank of Africa and many other banks).
• If webPAY is selected as the preferred payment option, the candidate will be re-directed to Interswitch webPAY page to make the payment online
• Further details on how to use the Interswitch payment platform is available on the UTME Result Screening Portal.
Candidates who have completed the second stage of the screening should proceed to the third stage upon receiving their payment confirmation SMS (text message). They are to log into the portal using the details send to them in the SMS (text message). Candidates are advised to correctly input their results and any other requested information on the portal. Candidates may after submission print out their submission acknowledgement slip for personal reference only.