LASPOTECH procedure for payment of fees via the school portal
This is to inform all students of Lagos State Polytechnic that the management has released the procedures for making payment on the school portal. Below are the procedures
1. For new applicants
a. Go to
b. Enter user name (jamb reg number/ Applicant No)
c. Enter password – surnamepass (eg. if your surname is Ade, password is adepass)
d. Click on pay acceptance to pay Acceptance Fee e. Click on pay third party to pay for third party fee
f. Click on pay school fees to pay school
2. for students with Matric Number
a. Go to
b. User name is Matric No
c. Password is surnamepass
(eg.if your surname is Ade, password is adepass)
d. click on payment Manager to make payment
e click on my receipts to print Receipt fill your details in the profile if need be