Edu News

Maurid Polytechnic issues notice to all students

The management of Maurid Polytechnic, Mbiano, Akwa Ibom State has released an examination notice to its students. See notice below:

This is to inform all the students that the second-semester examination will commence on the 30th of November 2020.

Maurid Polytechnic issues notice to all students

You are therefore advised to pay all your school fees to date and obtain clearance form from the Bursary Department.

You are to note that entry into the examination hall will be strictly on presentation of your clearance card duly authenticated at the Bursary. Without payment of complete school fees, no clearance will be issued.

Students are advised to start going to the Bursary for their clearance to avoid stampede and delay on the first day of the examination. Undertaking/permission to write examinations now and pay school fees later will not be entertained.

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