Nigerian Girl Schooling in Texas Arrested for Pouring Bleach in Her Roommate’s Eyes

Brianna Esomchukwu, an 18-year-old Nigerian student at Prairie View A&M University in Texas was arrested, and booked on an aggravated assault charge on March 8, for pouring bleach into her roommate’s eyes during an argument, 

According to Prairie View A&M University Chief of Police, Keith Jemison, Esomchukwu’s roommate, 19-year-old Julisha Wyatt, had bleach in her eyes and had minor burns on her skin after the attack.
Nigerian Girl Schooling in Texas Arrested for Pouring Bleach in Her Roommate's Eyes
She was taken to a local hospital to have her eyes flushed out. 
Nigerian girl schooling in Texas is arrested for pouring bleach in her roommate