Oke-Ogun Poly, Saki notice to students on completion of registration before exam
The management of The Oke Ogun Polytechnic, Saki has called on the attention of all students of the Institution on the need to complete their Semester registration before the commencement of exams on the 26th of October.
According to a memo released by the Academic Board on the 8th of October, 2020, it was stated, that the era of allowing students who have paid only tuition fee but not completed a registration to sit for the semester examination is gone.

Therefore, paying tuition fees alone is not enough as a prerequisite to writing this semester’s examination.
Read full text below;
” I wish to call the attention of all students of this institution to the need to complete registration exercise for the first semester of 2019/2020 Academic Session.
For the purpose of emphasis and Student’s collective education, registration is completed if a student has submitted his/her dossers at the school level. Student’s registration entails the following:
a. Satisfaction of minimum entry requirements by fresh students and clearance at the Directorate of Academic Affairs.
b. Payment of tuition fees
c. Filling and submission of course form online.
d. Printing of hardcopy of course form and submission of the same to Head of Department for endorsement.
e. Enclosure of course form, school fees receipt, and other documents in the four dossiers of every student.
f. Payment of other approved fees (e.g school and department fees, SUG Levy)
g. Submission of files at the school officer and completion of a format wherein your programme, level, local government, and State if origin, sex would be stated among others.
h. The files would be distributed to the school, department, Directorate of Student’s Affair, and the Directorate of Academic Affairs.
j. A student who has completed (a-g) above would be issued with a Certificate of Registration and allowed to it for the 2019/2020 First Semester examination.
Please note that the era of allowing students who have paid tuition fee but not completed registration to sit for semester examination is gone.
To be fore warned is to be fore armed.”