Southern African Digital Rights & Online Freedom of Expression Litigation Surgery 2019 (Fully-funded)

The Media Legal Defence Initiative (MLDI) is calling for applications from lawyers based in Southern Africa to participate in a forthcoming Litigation Surgery and training on the right to freedom of expression online, rights and the internet.
Application Deadline: 16th June 2019 midnight
Eligible Countries: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, eSwatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe
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To be taken at (country): Johannesburg, South Africa
About the Award: MLDI provides legal support to journalists, bloggers and independent media. In recent years it has supported a significant number of cases involving online media. These have included challenging social media blocking and internet shutdowns, contesting cybercrimes legislation, ‘false news’ regulations and intermediary liability, as well as advancing greater protection of sources and privacy online.
The objectives of the litigation surgery are:
•To equip participants with skills, knowledge, and training to litigate using national and international laws as well as regional and international mechanisms relevant to freedom of expression online;
•To build a digital rights network and help facilitate its engagement with international legal mechanisms and global civil society initiatives; and
•To assist and develop working relationships amongst lawyers undertaking such cases.
Type: Workshop
Eligibility: Participants will be selected on the following criteria:
•The surgery is open to lawyers who work and reside in Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, eSwatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Applicants can either be working in private practice or be working for, or be affiliated with, NGOs promoting the right to freedom of expression through litigation. Exceptionally strong applications will be considered as well from lawyers who have not yet undertaken freedom of expression work, but have experience litigating other human rights cases and have a strong interest in undertaking freedom of expression work.
•A maximum of 12 participants will be selected;
•Applicants must be proficient in English;
•The lawyers must have a demonstrated interest in and/or knowledge of the right to online freedom of expression, digital rights, internet freedom and/or related issues;
•The lawyers must have a demonstrated interest in and/or knowledge of international and regional human rights law;
•With their application, applicants are requested to submit a case study of a case that they are litigating or intend to litigate and that could be discussed during the litigation surgery. As set out above, it will suffice for participants who do not have a case that is pending to have identified a relevant law, practice or policy relating to online freedom of expression that they would like to challenge in court. However, such participants must demonstrate their ability and willingness to pursue the case after the surgery;
•The cases submitted must involve a violation of the fundamental right to freedom of expression online. The following non-exhaustive list of themes are a guide for the type of cases that could be submitted with the application:
â—¦Cybercrime laws;
â—¦Intermediary liability;
â—¦Internet shutdowns;
â—¦Restriction of online media;
â—¦Online privacy;
â—¦National security; and
â—¦Anonymity online.
MLDI is committed to equality of opportunity and diversity; and will therefore consider gender, age and country of origin in its selection of participants.
Selection: All applicants are required to submit a current or potential case, involving these matters, for discussion. Successful applicants will attend the litigation surgery and become members of a digital rights legal network through which there will be opportunities for engagement both regionally and internationally.
Number of Awards: A maximuim of 12 participants will be selected for the litigation surgery.
Value of Award: MLDI will cover airfare, accommodation, travel expenses and a per diem.
Duration of Award: 26-30 August 2019
How to Apply: Please complete the attached application form and submit it to Michael Moss at
•It is important to go through all application requirements on the Programme Webpage (see link below) before applying
Visit Award Webpage for Details