Shamsiya Murtala, a female student of the Federal University Gashua, Yobe State, lost her life, on Saturday, after fire destroyed a complete block of 29 rooms, accommodating about 301 students. The 300-level student of Geography Department was confirmed dead at the General Hospital, Gashua. The
The Federal University Gashua administration has released the second batch merit admission list for 2023/2024 session. Candidates who took part in the admission processes and performed well during the exam, but were not shortlisted in the 1st list should see details on how to check the list below. This is to inform the general public […]
This is to to inform applicants who registered and participated in the Federal University Gashua admissions process that the list of applicants who have been offered admission to the school for the 2023–2024 session has been released by the management and is accessible on the JAMB CAPS website. Federal University, Gashua Admission list for the […]