UNIBEN Notice On Mid-semester Break For 1st Semester, 2019/2020

The management of the University of Benin (UNIBEN) has announced a mid-semester break for the 2019/2020 session. The entire University Community is by this notice informed that the First Semester 2019/2020 Academic Session Mid-Semester Break commences from Thursday 20th February, 2020 – Sunday 12th April, 2020.
It has become imperative to explain the rationale for the mid-semester break of 2019/02/20 to 04/04/2020 as contained in the 2019/2020 first semester academic calendar of the University of Benin.

The Break is to Provide Room for Extensive Renovation of the Hostels by the State Government Ahead of 2020 National Sport Festival, as the Hostels Are to Serve as Accommodation for the Athletes.
The Vice Chancellor is Urging Students in School to Show Understanding, as the State Government Gesture’s is for the Benefits of All.
NB: All Hostels except the under-listed are to be vacated.
1. CERHI Hostel will not be closed
2. Medical, Clinical and Nursing Students are to remain in the NDDC Hostel for two weeks to conclude their exams and to vacate the hostel afterwards for maintenance work to commence.
Management wishes all students a fruitful break.