United Arab Emirates University 2024 Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students

Outstanding international students enrolled at the United Arab Emirates University to pursue their university studies may be granted one of the three scholarships mentioned below. These scholarships are determined in accordance with the university’s regulations and on a competitive basis, based on the evaluation of their academic qualifications and educational capacities, according to the available seats and instructional capacities in each scholarship. As follows (Note: Scholarships do not cover housing fees).
The scholarship opportunities are in three different categories:
- Partial Scholarship A (100%)
- Partial Scholarship B (75%)
- Partial Scholarship C (50%)
Benefits of UAEU Undergraduate Scholarship
Partial Scholarship A (100%):
- 100% tuition waiver to qualified students.
Eligibility for Partial Scholarship B (75%):
- 75% tuition waiver to qualified students.
Eligibility for Partial Scholarship C (50%):
- 50% tuition waiver to qualified students.
Requirements for UAEU Undergraduate Scholarship
Eligibility for Partial Scholarship A (100%):
- High school certificate score 98%
- English condition one of the following (for all Colleges except Law):
- (7.5) or above in the IELTS test
- (1800) or above in EMSAT English or its equivalent.
- English condition one of the following (for College of Law):
- (6.5) or above in the IELTS
- (1550) or above in EMSAT English or its equivalent.
- Mathematics condition one of the following (only Science, Information Technology, Engineering, Agriculture & Vet Medicine, and Health Sciences):
- (730) or above in the SAT Subject test in mathematics only.
- (1300) in the EMSAT Math or its equivalent.
- Arabic condition (only Law):
- (1350) in the EMSAT Arabic language test or its equivalent.
- Valid until graduation as long as the student is abiding with the Student Eligibility conditions.
Duties and Expectations
- Maintain a GPA ≥ 3.8 during study at UAEU.
- Completion of not less than (15) credit hours in each regular semester.
Eligibility for Partial Scholarship B (75%):
- High school certificate score 97%
- English condition one of the following (for all Colleges except Law):
- (7.0) or above in the IELTS test
- (1675) or above in EMSAT English or its equivalent.
- English condition one of the following (for College of Law):
- (6.0) or above in the IELTS
- (1400) or above in EMSAT English or its equivalent.
- Mathematics condition one of the following (only Science, Information Technology, Engineering, Agriculture & Vet Medicine, and Health Sciences):
- (695) or above in the SAT Subject test in mathematics only.
- (1200) in the EMSAT Math or its equivalent.
- Arabic condition (only Law):
- (1350) in the EMSAT Arabic language test or its equivalent.
- Valid until graduation as long as the student is abiding with the Student Eligibility conditions.
Duties and Expectations
- Maintain a GPA ≥ 3.7during study at UAEU.
- Completion of not less than (15) credit hours in each regular semester.
Eligibility for Partial Scholarship C (50%):
- High school certificate score 95%
- English condition one of the following (for all Colleges except Law):
- (6.5) or above in the IELTS test
- (1550) or above in EMSAT English or its equivalent.
- English condition one of the following (for College of Law):
- (5.5) or above in the IELTS
- (1250) or above in EMSAT English or its equivalent.
- Mathematics condition one of the following (only Science, Information Technology, Engineering, Agriculture & Vet Medicine, and Health Sciences):
- (660) or above in the SAT Subject test in mathematics only.
- (1100) in the EMSAT Math or its equivalent.
- Arabic condition (only Law):
- (1250) in the EMSAT Arabic language test or its equivalent.
- Valid until graduation as long as the student is abiding with the Student Eligibility conditions.
Duties and Expectations
- Maintain a GPA ≥ 3.6/4.0 during study at UAEU.
- Completion of not less than (15) credit hours in each regular semester.
Application Deadline
Not Specified
How to Apply
Interested and qualified? Go to United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) on uaeu.elluciancrmrecruit.com to apply
High school graduates from public and private schools of International Students, wishing to enroll in the program can apply online through our online application system.
Applicants must submit their applications during the application period announced on the university’s website as follows:
- First Academic Semester: May, June and July.
- Second Academic Semester: September, October and November.
For more details, visit UAEU website