UNN Sandwich and Evening Programmes Admission 2020

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the following Sandwich Degree and Diploma Programmes of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Alvan Ikoku College of Education, Owerri and Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe, College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti.

EDUCATION: B.A. (Ed.); B.Sc. (Ed.) and B.Ed in
- Ed. Adult Education/Administration Nsukka
- Ed. Adult Education/Comm. Development Nsukka
B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Ed. Special Ed/Economics Nsukka
B.Ed. Special Ed/Igbo Nsukka
B.Ed. Special Ed/History Nsukka
B.Ed. Special Ed/English Nsukka
B.Ed. Special Ed/Social Studies Nsukka
B.Ed. Primary Education Nsukka
B.Ed. Early Childhood Education Nsukka
B.A. (Ed.) Education/English Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/ Creative Arts Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/French Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/Music Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/History Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/Igbo/Linguistics Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/Religion Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/Fine and Applied Arts Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Political Science Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Biology Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Chemistry Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Mathematics Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Physics Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Geography Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Economics Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Statistics Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Social Studies Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Integrated Science Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Physical Educ. & Recreation Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Health Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
Vocational and Technical Education
B.Sc. (Ed.) Agricultural Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Business Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Computer and Rob otics Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Home Economics and Hospitality
Management Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Industrial Technical Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
(A) Combined B.Sc. Degree in Computer Science / Statistics Nsukka
(B) B.Sc. Public Administration & Local Government Nsukka
(C) B. Lis Library and Information Science Nsukka
(1) Diploma in Adult Education Community Development Nsukka (4 years)
(2) Diploma in Public Administration (PALG) Nsukka (4 years)
(3) Diploma in Computer Science / Statistics Nsukka (3 years)
(4) Diploma in Library Science Nsukka (4 years)
The entry requirements are the same as those for the Regular Degree (with O/Level)/Direct Entry and Diploma courses of the University of Nigeria. Relevant details are as contained in the Guideline for Admission into Sandwich and Evening Degree Programmes obtainable on purchase of the Application Form.
All candidates who wish to apply for these Programmes listed above should apply through JAMB and make UNN or any of her affiliates Institutions listed above as their first choice Institution. This would enable JAMB to capture the details of the candidates, assign them registration numbers and make them available in JAMB CAPS for the Institutions to be able to download their lists and process their admissions. The 2020 JAMB Sandwich forms are now on sale.
Dr. Chris C. Igbokwe