LASU Releases Part-Time Degree Admission List for 2024/2025

The Lagos State University (LASU) School of Part-Time Studies (SPTS) at the Ojo Campus has released the admission list for the 2024/2025 academic session. This list includes candidates who successfully passed the Computer-Based Test (CBT) entrance exams held on October 19 and 20, 2024.
How to Check LASU Part-Time Admission Status:
- Visit the official LASU website.
- Navigate to the STUDENT tab.
- Select New Application.
- Click on LASU SPTS.
- On the SPTS Ojo Application page, select Check Admission Status.
- Enter your application number and click Submit.
Admission Categories:
- Category A: Successful Candidates
- Candidates selected for admission can download their SPTS Admission Letter for the 2024/2025 session.
- Required fees to proceed with include:
- Acceptance Fee
- Medical Fee
- Admission Clearance (LACACA) Fee
- Category B: Alternative Option for Non-Selected Candidates
- Candidates not selected for SPTS admission may choose to accept admission into the LASU Open and Distance Learning and Research Institute (ODLRI).
- Candidates accepting this option can download the ODLRI Admission Letter for the 2024/2025 session and will need to pay:
- Acceptance Fee
- Medical Fee
- Admission Clearance (LACACA) Fee
Important Deadline: Candidates in both categories must confirm their admission by accepting the offer within two weeks of the release date. Failure to accept within this timeframe will result in the loss of the admission offer.