Edu News

RSUST faculty of Eng. proposed date for SIWES defence, 2019/2020

DISAPPROVED: This is a proposed date it is not yet approved

Thie six-month supervised Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) period for 2019/2020 academc session was to start April 1st and end Septemher 30, 2020 as contained in the SIWES Handbook.

RSUST faculty of Eng. proposed date for SIWES defence, 2019/2020

However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the academic session has been elongated. From the most recent revised Undergraduate Calendar of Academic Activities for 2019/2020 session. The Second Semester began November 30 2020 and shall end in March 2021.

Second Semester examinations beginning March 1st, 2021 and ending March 19, 2021.

Consequenly, project defense is scheduled to commence March 24 to March 26, 2021. It is expected tht the SIWES results of the Faculty of Engineering should be ready on or before April 9, 2021 when all results submission end.

In the circumstances, I write to propose that all the Departments of the Faculty consider fixing SIWES Oral Defence from March 22 to March 26, 2021 so that SIWES (ECA02) results of the Faculty Can be collated for Submission with the other Second Semester results.

It is also expected that the following completed SIWES documents be received from each student of your Department a week before the date of defence:

1 SIWES Logbook

2 SIWES Report ( hardcopy & 1 softcopy on CD) and

3. Form 8

As usual, downloaded list of students who registered for FEC 402 (SIWES) should be obtained at FEC prior to the defence Examination.

The Departmental SIWES Coordinators are therefore enjoined to pass this information to students

Your cooperation is highly solicited, please.

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