Sefinat Ododo praises First Lady Tinubu for boosting access to education

Mrs Sefinat Usman Ododo, the First Lady of Kogi State, has praised Nigeria’s First Lady, Senator Oluremi Tinubu, for her Renewed Hope Initiative, which aims to increase access to education for Nigerian children.

Mrs. Ododo, the Coordinator of Renewed Hope Initiative in Kogi State, was addressing during the flag-off of the First Lady, Senator Oluremi Tinubu, distributing exercise books to students and pupils of the Police Officers’ Wives Association (POWA) International Children School in Abuja.

She stated that Senator Oluremi Tinubu has demonstrated her commitment as a true mother of the nation by ensuring that students and pupils are encouraged to enrol and stay in school through the distribution of exercise books under her Renewed Hope Initiative, adding that the initiative will improve learning in schools and reduce the prevalence of out-of-school children, particularly among female children in Nigeria.

Mrs. Ododo, while highlighting Senator Oluremi Tinubu’s remarkable impact on outreaches such as the Alternative School Programme and the donation of exercise books to schoolchildren, stated that the nation’s First Lady’s donation of exercise books has the potential to improve access to education and contribute to human capital development.

“I am very happy to be a part of Her Excellency’s Renewed Hope Initiative in reaching out to Nigerian children who are in need of a role model and a source of inspiration like our mother, Her Excellency, Senator Oluremi Tinubu.

“She has been a true mother and a role model for our nation and this gesture will go along way in encouraging more students and pupils to enroll and stay in schools.

“It will also encourage all First Ladies in the country to do more in promoting access to education in all the states in Nigeria,” Mrs Ododo stated.

The Kogi State First Lady expressed her joy at Senator Oluremi Tinubu’s passion and dedication to promoting education and making women and children the focal areas of the Renewed Hope Initiative.

Mrs Ododo also pledged her support for all Renewed Hope Initiative activities in Nigeria, particularly in Kogi State, where her pet project also provides formal and vocational education to indigent women and children, as well as empowerment to widows, orphans, and people with disabilities.

First Lady Oluremi Tinubu intends to give around 2 million exercise books across Nigeria’s 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory as part of her Renewed Hope Initiative’s education component.