Tansian University First Class graduate breaks Nigeria’s academic records

Oluchi Anthonia Umeaso has raised the reputation of Tansian University after graduating from the institution’s Department of Microbiology with a final grade point average of 4.96 on a 5-point scale.

The University issued a news release on Tuesday containing this information.

It stated that with the final grade point, the microbiologist became the best graduating student of the school during the 7th-12th Convocation Ceremony held at the University’s Umunya Campus in Anambra State.

In his speech, the University’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Eugene Nwadialor, commended the graduate on his accomplishment. The V.C. expressed his satisfaction that a student accomplished such a milestone during his tenure.According to the institution’s VC, Oluchi’s grade point is unusual among Nigerian universities.

Sen. Dr. Victor Umeh, the University’s Chancellor, stated that the best graduating student worked tirelessly to achieve her goals. He advised the first-class graduate to continue to be an ambassador for the institution.

The Head of Department, Department of Microbiology, Associate Professor Nnamdi Umeoduagu expressed his happiness that his department not only produced the best graduating student but also for the high grade point Oluchi came out with. The former member of Anambra State House of Assembly enjoined current students of the institution to emulate Oluchi Umeaso.

The best graduating student during her valedictory speech advised Nigeria youths not to be deceived by those who perceived that education is a scam.

“Education is essential ladder through which one climbs to greater heights. I thank my parents for the good upbringing and sound education they gave me. Also, I am grateful to management and staff of Tansian University who provided enabling environment for academic activities. The serene environment contributed greatly in the final grade point I came out with. My gratitude also goes to my lecturers for guiding me properly,” the best student said.

Two of the honourary doctorate recipients during the convocation: Chief Emmanuel ‘Bishop’ Okonkwo and Sir. Kingsley Udechukwu rewarded the best graduating student tangibly. While Sir Udechukwu encouraged her with a cheque of One million Naira (N1,000,000), Chief Okonkwo gave her Masters Degree scholarship to any University of her choice which has to be in U.K, Canada or U.S.A.