Tansian University’s Premises Sealed by Creditors

The institution’s campus in Oba, Idemili South Local Government Area, has been permanently locked by its creditor, adding to the ongoing turmoil that has beset Tansian University Umunya, Anambra State, since its founding.

The upper echelons of Ranent Industries Company Ltd. broke into the University on Friday, sacked and locked the area that functioned as the take-off campus.

The campus was sealed as a result of a court ruling that raised questions about the university’s compliance with the terms of a consent judgement made between Tansian University founder Msgnr. Johnbosco Akam and Chief Executive Officer of Ranent Industries Company Ltd., Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka.

Ranent Industries Company Ltd. was given permission by His Lordship Hon. Justice Arinze Akabua of the High Court of Anambra State to seize the University’s real estate, both movable and immovable, in order to satisfy its overdue debt.

Tansian University (debtors/respondents) was also ordered by the court to leave the temporary location at Oba immediately.

“Leave is granted to Judgment Creditors/Applicants to levy execution on the movable and immovable properties of the Judgment Debtors/Respondents for purposes of recovering the outstanding indebtedness of the Judgment Debtors which now stands at N18,000,000.00 (Eighteen Million Naira) as at April, 2018.

“Furthermore, Order is made that Judgment Debtors/Respondents vacate with immediate effect the temporary site of the 1st Respondent located at Umuogali village Oba which premises is the property.

Speaking to the press shortly after recovering his property, Chief Ezeonwuka, expressed gratitude to the court for being the last hope of the common man, even as he regretted that the saga has lasted way too long.

He abhorred dilapidating state of the university, and wondered how students cope studying in the dirty environment.

“The school may not be synonymous with cleanliness – the two hostels are disgusting, the entire environment is stomach-churning, its filthy an uninhabitable, filth-ridden University filled with mountains of refuse and bad sewage system is so vile that it guarantees nightmares.”

He said having recovered his property, all arrangement has been concluded for his Chinese partners to arrive Nigeria before end of first quarter of the year to revive the Ranent Industries Company Ltd and offer employment to well over 5000 Anambrarians.

The sealing of the University has sent shockwaves to the Staff and Students who are afraid to return to school on resumption in January.

Some of the staff who spoke to the press said, they were anticipating amicable settlement of the impasse, instead, the university dropped the ball and Ranent Industries dropped bomb.

There are rumors that the university might be completely shutdown due to the sensitivity of crises rocking the school in recent times.