Foundation to engage education stakeholders on inclusive environment

LAGOS (Scholar Sundiata) – The Regalo Hope Foundation (RHF), a non-profit organisation based in Lagos, reports that the plans to hold the 2024 EduStake Conference in Lagos on January 24 have been finalised.

The seminar was deliberately scheduled on the same day as the International Day of Education, according to RHF Founder Mrs. Chineye Onuorah.

She emphasised that the occasion represented everyone’s shared commitment to education as a basic human right and a means of fostering global citizenship.

The one-day conference, with the topic “Uniting for Inclusive Education,” would take place at the Lagos Theatre in Igando, Lagos, according to Onuorah.

According to her, the event aims at inspiring education stakeholders on the need to create more inclusive educational environments.

“The primary focus of the EduStake Conference 2024 is to equip educational stakeholders with invaluable insights on critical topics such as inclusion, emotional intelligence, relationship management and revenue generation in education.

“We will be having on ground four key stakeholders in education such as parents, community leaders, teachers/administrators, as well as students even from tertiary institutions.

“The 2024 EduStake Conference will feature a panel session that will address inclusive education; a current affairs competition among schools aimed at engaging and inspiring the next generation of leaders, and diverse exhibition activities.

“It also serves as an opportunity to generate revenue for schools who will win the quiz competition as there will be prizes and cash rewards from our corporate partners,” Onuorah said.

The RHF founder noted that the previous edition, 2023 EduStake Conference witnessed a turnout of over 600 attendees.

She said that in 2023, schools with participants ranking in the top three of the competition segments received gifts.